Bushido Karate Association presents…
Join us this summer for another series of online karate challenges!
As with past years you can join us virtually from your own home for the entire challenge — but this year there will also be some opportunities for optional in-person activities!
What: A series of 8 weekly martial arts challenges, both mental and physical.
Who: Any BKA members! All ages and ranks are welcome.
- If you register in the Adult Program, then follow the Adult challenge page.
- If you register in the Youth Program, follow the Youth challenge page.
When: From June 19 – Aug 13, with a new challenge posted every Sunday!
How to Participate:
- Go to https://www.edmonton-karate.com/summerofkarate/ for the current active challenge.
- Submit your challenge response at https://www.dropbox.com/request/LmJVLXrIIuholmh88xo6 by Friday at midnight.
- Check back each weekend for the next challenge!
- Details of upcoming in-person activities will be posted a week ahead of time — these will all occur at the Grandview dojo.
BRONZE tier: complete 1-3 challenges
SILVER tier: complete 4-7 challenges
GOLD tier: complete all 8 challenges
The OPENING CHALLENGE of the summer (Week 1) will be a PHOTO CONTEST.
Strike a pose on your own or get together with your friends/family/karate classmates to make a cool group shot!
Youth Program Challenges
Week 1: Opens June 19.
Submissions close June 25 at midnight.
Week 2: Opens June 26.
Description: A fitness challenge!
Optional in-person activity June 26.
Submissions close July 2 at midnight.
Week 3: Opens July 3.
Description: Can you figure out the meaning and perform these 5 techniques?
1. mikuzuki geri
2. mae tobi geri
3. yama tsuki
4. morote tsuki
5. haishu uchi
Submissions close July 9 at midnight.
Week 4: Opens July 10.
Description: Learn part of a new kata called Rohai!
Optional in-person activity July 10.
Submissions close July 16 at midnight.
Week 5: Opens July 17.
Description: It’s weaponry time! Break out your sai (or closest sai equivalent) and learn a sequence of techniques!
Submissions close July 23 at midnight.
Week 6: Opens July 24.
Optional in-person activity July 24.
Submissions close July 30 at midnight.
Week 7: Opens July 31.
Submissions close August 6 at midnight.
Week 8: Opens August 7.
Optional in-person activity August 7.
Submissions close August 13 at midnight.
Adult Program Challenges
Week 1: Opens June 19.
Submissions close June 25 at midnight.
Week 2: Opens June 26.
Description: A fitness challenge!
Optional in-person activity June 26.
Submissions close July 2 at midnight.
Week 3: Opens July 3.
Description: Can you translate and perform these 3 sequences?
1. migi soto uke hidari ude uki hidari maegeri
2. hidari zenkutsudachi gyaku tsuki migi kokutsudachi migi shuto uchi
3. migi hiza geri hidari empi uchi hidari mikuzuki geri
Submissions close July 9 at midnight.
Week 4: Opens July 10.
Description: Learn part of a new kata called Rohai!
Optional in-person activity July 10.
Submissions close July 16 at midnight.
Week 5: Opens July 17.
Description: It’s weaponry time! Break out your sai (or closest sai equivalent) and learn a sequence of techniques!
Submissions close July 23 at midnight.
Week 6: Opens July 24.
Optional in-person activity July 24.
Submissions close July 30 at midnight.
Week 7: Opens July 31.
Submissions close August 6 at midnight.
Week 8: Opens August 7.
Optional in-person activity August 7.
Submissions close August 13 at midnight.
Note: We may post some clips of your submissions (without names or identifying information) on the BKA’s social media platforms.
If you would like to participate in the challenges but would NOT like your video/photos posted, please let Sensei Bernadine know at bernadine@edmonton-karate.com.