Tomorrow night (July 28th), the BKA will not have a zoom class, and will be pilot testing an outdoor class at the Grandview dojo. This outdoor training session will take place from 6:00PM – 7:30PM. If you plan on attending this class, please arrive 15 minutes before so that we can go through the protocol, and ensure a safe training environment for everyone.
Our instructional team understands that everyone’s comfort level regarding a return to training may be different; we are committed to creating an environment where our students feel safe. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to our team.
Emailed out to all members is the complete document from the BKA which lays out the protocols for in-person training during Phase 2. The notes applicable to outdoor training are included.
Some highlights for students to review from the document:
- Before we train tomorrow, all members in attendance must complete the new BKA registration form and waiver, attached at the link below.
- Students who have not completed this form will not be permitted to train.
- Students should not expect to have access to the community hall at this point. This means you will need to come changed into appropriate training equipment for the conditions, wearing train shoes, and have filled water bottle(s) with you. Sensei Scott and Sensei James can open the hall in case of an emergency. Be aware that the class is 90 minutes, so consider using the washroom before attending the class.
- Students must complete the checklists included in Appendix A and B prior to class. No students showing any symptoms of COVID 19 should leave their homes to come to class.
- Students will have their own dedicated training area, with social distancing measures for high intensity activity in place.
- We encourage our students to follow the guidance of Alberta Health Services surrounding the use of masks.
- Masks are not recommended for high intensity activity by AHS, but it is your choice if you choose to wear one for training.
We are trialing this protocol, and appreciate your patience! Thank you.